Methodist Federation for Social Action

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Introducing Allendale UMC, a Justice Seeking Community

We are excited to welcome and introduce the newest Justice Seeking Community: Allendale United Methodist Church.  Allendale UMC affirms the "sacred worth of all people and strive to practice christ's example of unconditional love without exclusion."  Committed to seeking justice within its local and state context of Saint Petersburg, Florida, members of Allendale have continued to stand and rise in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.  Additionally, Allendale has most recently been working towards educating individuals and communities on voting rights and the importance of voting.  Allendale UMC is a place and community that is a sanctuary for all without barriers: "No matter who you are, you are welcome here."

If your church, small group, ministry group, or community is interested in becoming a Justice-Seeking Community, please click the link and check out the JSC Covenant: